Replication for an Existing File System

Does DRBD support copying disks with existing file systems?

I find it failed

root@node51:~# drbdadm create-md r0
initializing activity log
initializing bitmap (32 KB) to all zero
Writing meta data...
New drbd meta data block successfully created.
root@node51:~# drbdadm up r0
1: Failure: (104) Can not open backing device.
Command 'drbdsetup attach 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc flexible' terminated with exit code 10

Does DRBD support copying disks with existing file systems?

There was a mention about this at the mailing list: You may experiment with that:

This is advanced usage. Better try that in a lab environment first.

For me that would be too complicated and unsure if it really will work. I’d rather create a new DRBD-Device and copy the data onto it.

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Thank you, but this method requires too many changes to the original file system and is also very complex to operate overall.

DRBD need remount disk and filesystem,this has a significant impact on the running status of the application.

mount /dev/drbdX /some.mountpoint

If DRBD can run in bypass mode and be transparent to the original disk, that would be great!