Question on usage of GitHub

My question pertains to how Linbit uses GitHub for development and collaboration.
My apologies if this question does not belong here.

  1. Is GitHub used primarily as a code repository and one for document? Do you use GitHub integration with any project management tool (such as GitHub+Rally)?

  2. I assume you use Slack for collaboration. Do you find GitHub+Slack integration helpful? It sends notifications on new PRs, commits, and code reviews.

  3. Issue Tracking: Do you track issues on GitHub or does GitHub integrate with your preferred issue tracker (Jira?)?

  4. Do you automate your workflows with GitOps? I am not sure if GitOps is available with local GitHub.

  5. User authentication: Do you use SSO to use Linbit’s directory tp authenticate users into GitHub (as opposed to replicating Linbit users onto GitHub, which I assume is error prone, not secure and hence undesirable)?

  6. Observability: How do you keep track of space and transaction limits on GitHub? Does GitHub provide its own monitoring?

Any comments/suggestions appreciated.
