First install unsuccessful

Hello forum,
I’m trying to install a 3-node cluster Linbit Cloudstack.
Nodes are virtual.

The process fails at the LINSTOR nodes configuration:

Detailed Information:

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to configure cloudstack management: failed to stop default libvirt network: exit status 1

Any hint?
Thank you

You’re using the LINBIT CloudStack HCI appliance, correct?

Can you be more specific as to where things are failing?

Is it possible to login to the VMs using the root account and password created during the installation and gather logs?


similar issue. yes, can successfully login via root.

errors below:
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to configure cloudstack management: exit status 9

on the console of the nodes, getting these errors: kernel: Loading of unsigned module is rejected

could be related to uefi?

after disabling efi, managed to successfully deploy.