Multiple paths in an active-backup-like manner

From the link

DRBD version 9 has supported replicating data over multiple paths in an active-backup-like manner since its inception. With multiple paths configured, users can ensure that any single point of failure (SPOF) in a network path is mitigated by adding a second separate path for DRBD to use should the other fail.

TIP: If you’re only interested in resilience, leaving load-balance-paths disabled will result in DRBD only using one path at a time instead of load balancing replicated writes across all configured paths.

It doesn’t work.

if one path failed, another path not working and drbdadm status shows

[root@memverge ~]# drbdadm status
ha-nfs role:Secondary
volume:29 disk:UpToDate
volume:30 disk:UpToDate
memverge2 connection:Connecting


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