LVM on DRBD How to extend disk

Hello evry one!
We use cluster corosync/NFS/and DRBD
I must add 50go Disk on lvm.
Must have begin to add LVM disk via lvexend on the primary server ?
if yes i suppose that i can use the lvm command to add an extent to the LVM Fs.
after that which command should i use ?
drbdadm role all ?
drbdadm resize drbd0/2
xfs_growfs /dev/drbd2

That by advance for your answer,

Best regards Sylvain

The typical procedure for growing a DRBD, as mentioned in the DRBD user’s guide, is as follows:

  • Extend the LV on both nodes using lvextend
  • With the DRBD device in a “Connected” state (drbdadm cstate <resource-name>), resize the DRBD device on one node:
    drbdadm resize <resource-name>
  • Grow the filesystem on the Primary node (drbdadm role <resource-name>):
    xfs_growfs <drbd-device-path>