Linstor-server-1.29.1 not Building docker image for Controller or Satellite

Hello everyone

So as the title says the provided Dockerfiles of the linstor controller and satellite
will not compile because of outdated or nonexistent dependency at this date
the errors are thrown by the following and the version of linstor as of my understanding does not even support them. Good news is i fixed it


By simply updating the packages to the following versions


Im still testing out the containers i built to a toy openstack deployment in my HomeLab.
I also notices the images are based on RedHat universal base image 8
Im going to try using the Rocky Linux 8/9 base images as i installed the containers using podman on rocky linux 9 with success.

Thanks Linbit for committing to opensource and personnel thanks to Ryan Taylor
for chating with and guiding me through the linbit site and docs

Im learning to build out an Openstack environment but i didn’t find a good way to integrate ceph into my automation and the simplicity of how to connect linstor to cinder made it a good choice and since it ships containers, linstor cluster setup is even easier.

for anyone reading this to use rocky linux 9 to deploy linstor container all containers must be run as privilaged and DRBD intstalled on the host ( dont bother with Ubuntu i tried already ).

for rocky 9 to setup DRBD use
epel-release repo for


elrepo-release repo for the kmod


Then load the kernel module with the following parameter
sudo modprobe drbd usermode_helper=disabled

Then test to see if it is loaded with
lsmod | grep drbd

i would recommend you then bring up the containers and exec into them and run drbdadm --version and see if you get any errors if not your good.