Linstor GUI on Proxmox

Hi there,

Was just wondering if it’s possible to use the Linstor GUI ontop of a Proxmox install?

Kind regards,

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It doesn’t look like they’ve added it to the public repo for proxmox 8 yet, and their instructions for installing it on the github are pretty lacking.

No luck so far with either the npm or the ppa method on ubuntu 22.04

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Oh I got it working using npm.

My quick and dirty steps;
Install ubuntu 22.04 LXC using the proxmox helper scripts (just for ease of use any ubuntu 22.04 will be fine)

Install npm and nodejs using the nodesource PPAS as the ones included in apt for Ubuntu 22.04 are too old to work with this

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y nodejs

#clone the repo and install it
git clone
cd linstor-gui
npm install

#Set environment variables
nano .env

Add the following values to the .env

#The listening address for the linstore-gui, change to IP address of the the ubuntu machine
#desired listening port for gui
#point the gui towards the linstor controller
#This is optional but if you want to use the linstore gateway features likes nfs isci etc then configure the linstor gateway ip address here, uncomment to use
#Optional as well, configure only if using vsan otherwise uncomment it out to use

#run the gui with the following command, still inside the github repo that was cloned
npm run start:dev

You should still be able to visit the gui now and see your drbd cluster info. Linstor gateway is not enabled by default even if set in the envs just got to the settings to flip the slider on for the gateway feature.

If you want this to start on boot you could create a systemd service to start the program but I’m just testing for now so I’m not going to worry about that for now.

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I’m curious to see if I can get it running as a docker. I’ll report back if I’m successful.

EDIT: I was able to get it done check it out here!

The GUI deploys in a standalone fashion and connects to your pre-existing cluster which is configured in the docker environment variables.

Forum post about it here;

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I’m blown away. Nothing else to say but - You absolute legend. Going to give this a go and see if I can stand something up! Thanks again!!

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